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Title proper 哈利波特

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RDA provides a set of guidelines and instructions on formulating data to support resource discovery.
The data created using RDA to describe a resource are designed to assist users performing the following tasks:
find—i.e., to find resources that correspond to the user’s stated search criteria
identify—i.e., to confirm that the resource described corresponds to the resource sought, or to
distinguish between two or more resources with similar characteristics
select—i.e., to select a resource that is appropriate to the user’s needs
obtain—i.e., to acquire or access the resource described.

The data created using RDA to describe an entity associated with a resource (a person, family, corporate body,
concept, etc.) are designed to assist users performing the following tasks:
find—i.e., to find information on that entity and on resources associated with the entity
identify—i.e., to confirm that the entity described corresponds to the entity sought, or to
distinguish between two or more entities with similar names, etc.
clarify—i.e., to clarify the relationship between two or more such entities, or to clarify the
relationship between the entity described and a name by which that entity is known
understand—i.e., to understand why a particular name or title, or form of name or title, has been
chosen as the preferred name or title for the entity.

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FRBR作業 更正版

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今天的講義:final report


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Final Report

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·         (1) 題名及著者敘述項
·         (2) 版本項

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今天繼續了ISBD的課程   其中老師也再次強調MARC21之所以散佈廣泛是由於美國帝國主義壓迫


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今天介紹了ISBD  原來AACR2等其他邊目規則的源頭都是依照ISBD的規定


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雖然說題目早已公布在網路上 但考試的緊要關頭還是容易緊張

雖然我已經把我所有背起來的東西全部寫出來了  無奈時間仍然有些不夠

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  2013-11-09 11.39.27  


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計算機概論 授課老師:陳舜德 使用書籍:計算機概論:探索明日科技


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第三詳細著錄層次 Anglo-American Catologing Rules 2nd edition(AACR2) third level of description,elements:


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ORANGE30311 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

今天毛老師的課讓我得到最大的收穫就是:真正認知到自己已經不是那個坐在課桌椅上等著老師問問題跟給答案的未成年人,而是主動尋找答案並且思考答案的成年人。關於老師課堂上說的兩間圖書館編目上的異同,除了最明顯的項目編排方式不同 EX:作者.版本項.出版項......還有就是背面的"MARC顯示"也是不同格式"MARC顯示"除了經過專業訓練的人員外一般人是很難讀懂的,因為主要是由電腦來判讀每本書要進入圖書館時都需要經過編目過程將資料寫入資料庫供人來查閱,這種電子化的編目系統就是"機讀編目格式MARC",一般分成中國的"CMARC"和美國的"MARC21"。這也許是為何老師特別提到"國家圖書館"因為國圖是台灣少數幾間使用美國"MARC21"系統的圖書館,也是台灣近幾年在推廣的格式,同時這也呼應了老師課堂上說過國內學術界有盲目追隨美國的趨勢。那是否同樣的格式編目出來就會一定一樣嗎?目前為止我還不知道兩種格式"原則"上的差異,但到目前為止可以得知一點:兩種MARC是不同的原則,原則以外仍會因人員的不同而有所差異所以答案是否定的,即使都是使用同一類格式也會因人為因素而不同

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